By Tony Disley NPC
The Lady Milne was held online on RealBridge in conjunction with the Telscher Trophy.
Sarah Amos and Ceri Pierce arranged a number of practice sessions of 4 tables for both teams and willing volunteers to get used to the nuances of RealBridge with screens.
During the event Ceri[aka my PA ic IT]enabled us to use the WBU Zoom facility to hold team meetings both before sessions and after stanzas and a WhatsApp group for general communication.
The team started with a bang on Friday evening winning the first stanza v N. Ireland by 77 Imps .Despite a 7 Imp deficit in the 2nd set , that translated into 19.11 to .89 VP. After losing the 1st stanza by 20 imps a spirited fightback saw us gain 30 imps and beat the very strong England team , or so we thought [see below] A subdued match against EBU , losing by 9 and 14 or 5.76 to 14.24. However we approached Sunday in good spirits .
Again a strong performance in the 2nd stanza to overturn an 18 imp deficit to win by 13 imps and 12.6 VP against Ireland left it all to play for in the last match v Scotland . Losing the first half by 6 Imps left us in 4th place behind England , Scotland and EBU . In the first 13 bds of the last set set we gained 32 Imps with some terrific play and despite losing 19 in the last 3 had done enough to secure 2nd place.
The only sour note of the weekend was that England appealed a board where they questioned the Welsh declarer’s claim to make 5D..we were ruled against and lost 11 imps meaning the match result was overturned to a 1 imp loss.Whilst perhaps technically correct ,the ruling imagined that the declarer might take a very unlikely line and left a very bad taste in our mouths that England should pursue the outcome.
My thanks to the team for their unfailing good humour and the spirit they played in and my congratulations for their performance.